Family Engagement
Family involvement in school
We believe collaboration and teamwork is a vital part of ensuring our young people succeed in their time at Portland Academy and beyond. Families are often the specialist in their individual young person’s needs.
Our vision as an academy is to have high levels of engagement with families that leads to highly effective partnerships from which young people benefit through their learning.
Our mission statement: To Value, to Respect, to Promote Optimum Learning is important to our work with families and we operate an open-door approach supported by safeguarding procedures. We welcome a two-way continuous dialogue with families about all aspects of the academy and encourage families to become part of the Portland community.
We keep in touch with parents and carers through:
- home-school diaries
- the school newsletter
- letters home
- text messages to parents
- this website
- telephone calls
- emails
- face to face and online communication
- social media channels
- academy events
- attending your young person’s Education Health and Care Plan annual review
Attending EHCP review
All families are invited to participate in their young person’s EHCP review which takes place annually. We provide a range of ways of this meeting taking place including face to face in school or via an online platform. It is important that families can contribute to this process. If you have any questions or queries about the EHCP process or attendance at the meeting then please don’t hesitate to contact Martin, our EHCP Co-ordinator.
Family engagement sessions
We hold weekly coffee mornings in our café every Thursday. Families and friends are welcome to join our Secondary praise assembly every Friday.
Family events throughout the year
During the course of the year we invite families into school for events such as the German Christmas Market, Talent Show, National Careers Week, Duke of Edinburgh and work experience awards, Leaver’s Assembly and our summer fair.