Portland Academy caters for pupils aged 11-19 with severe or profound and multiple learning difficulties.
Permanent admission to Portland Academy is by way of an Education Health and Care plan. Parents may make representations for a placement at Portland Academy.
The Local Authority where the pupil resides is responsible for writing the Education, Health and Care plan and retains responsibility for deciding whether to name Portland as the pupil’s school, based on the individual needs of the child and any representations made by parents.
The Local Authority is required to consult with Portland prior to naming us in a child’s Plan. Once Portland is named the academy is under a legal duty to admit the child.
Currently, Sunderland LA commissions 190 places in Portland. Pupils from other LAs can be admitted above the Sunderland commissioned places, via separate commissioning arrangements.
For further information regarding our admissions please look at our SEND Information Report and our Admissions policy.