
Overall intention of the curriculum at Portland Academy.

The curriculum at Portland is designed to offer a personalised learning programme for our students to achieve the best possible educational outcomes. The Framework is based around the United Nations Rights of the Child articles.

We aim for our students to develop self-determination, self-advocacy and a range of skills and knowledge to be active, purposeful and conscientious citizens in society at school and in future life.

The curriculum is the vehicle for students to achieve their EHCP targets, which are assessed and planned for, using our assessment cycle. Progress and Outcomes are discussed and3 planned for in termly assessment weeks and progress meetings are embedded, half termly, in the academic calendar.EHCP targets are evaluated annually.

Students are placed in an appropriate pathway based on the 2011 Progress and Outcomes Guidance which has analysed student trajectory based on starting points and the Ascent Trust Expected Progress Rationale 2018.

There are 4 Pathways at Portland : 3 pathways based on students starting points and our 6th form.