Pastoral support in school
Pastoral support in school
All each young person’s needs in their EHCP being met in school is really important to their progress and success. We recognise that sometimes needs change over time or young people experience times when they require additional specialist support, this may be inside or outside of school. Within our school there is lots of help and support available for young people and their families.
The first point of call for support is the young person’s class team, class teacher and teaching assistants. They will keep in touch with home on a regular basis to discuss how your young person is getting on in school.
Each class team is supported by a department lead who oversees the operational running on each department in school, Sharon is the Lead for our Foundation Hub, Keeley for Primary aged young people, Mark for secondary aged young people, Richie for Sixth Form young people and Beth for our Mobile Education Service. If there is an issue which cannot be resolved by the class team they may speak to the department lead and this may lead to a referral into our internal SEND team.
The SEND team meet weekly to discuss young people across the academy where additional support and specialist intervention is required. The SEND team is chaired by Anne Deputy Head (Pastoral)
Our Student Support Team (SST) are our internal team of colleagues who provide specialist support and liaise with a range of other agencies in order to meet our young peoples’ support needs. You can see more about the roles within the student support team below.
Our Challenge Partner visit in November 2023 recognised our pastoral offer and student support team as a significant strength of the academy.
“Leaders at HWA have developed an extended student support team, including one Speech and Language Therapy (SaLT) assistant and one SaLT apprentice, a full-time designated safeguarding lead, a behaviour manager, a family liaison officer and attendance lead, an EHCP coordinator, and an Occupational Therapy (OT) assistant. Pupils and their families are recommended to the team by teaching staff. This ‘internal team around the child’ can respond to each pupil’s needs, often more urgently than wider multi-agency services. Pupils get support quicker, and this ensures they can stay on track with their learning. As one of the team members pointed out, “Staff all work together to achieve the best outcomes for every child!”.
“The Rebound Therapy Programme gives pupils the opportunity to both energise themselves into activity, and then regulate themselves. HWA has invested in a specific rebound room for this, with the support of the sensory OT. Pupils are supported to develop the skills they need for communication and regulation, which will help them through their lives as adults with SEND”.
“All staff are trained in Emotion Coaching. This supports pupils’ emotional wellbeing and self-regulation. Pupils benefit from working with understanding staff, who help them access their learning”.
“Behaviour is monitored using a trust-chosen package. This helps teachers analyse any recurring patterns of behaviour and help clue in the reasons for any escalation. A ‘solution circle meeting’ is attended by professionals to put a unified plan in place. This provides pupils with clear messaging on expectations and gives them useful ways to communicate their wants and needs”.