
All statutory policies are available at Hope Wood Academy. However, the following policies can be accessed below.

Should you wish to receive any of the policies in a paper based or alternative format, free of charge, please contact Joanne Jackson on 0333 9991454.

Emergency Evacuation procedures

All individual premises have their own site specific emergency evacuation plans and procedures. These are displayed in the academy buildings, reviewed and tested regularly and are communicated to staff and visitors.

Business Continuity / Disaster Recovery

There are a number of separate procedures in place in each academy regarding business continuity to deal with range of potential scenarios, events or circumstances. Disaster recovery and business continuity arrangements for business critical resources and systems are detailed in the relevant policies (i.e. Finance Policy and IT Policy).

Procedure for checking the identity of visitors

Visitors to the academies are required to sign in on the visitors register and are asked to produce photographic identification and the reason for their visit. If photo ID is not available other methods of confirming identity will be sought. Visitors without appropriate ID and clearances are not permitted on the premises unaccompanied.

EYFS & Trust Wide Statutory Policies

For EYFS & other Trust Wide Statutory policies please click on the link below which will take you to The Ascent Academies’ Trust website

Trust Wide Statutory Policies

If you require any other policies please do not hesitate to contact us.