Sixth Form
Sixth Form curriculum
In Sixth form young people continue to follow a pathway model through a ‘Preparation For Adulthood’ focus. Young people may follow a range of appropriate qualifications and/or vocational study and engage in relevant work related learning, including work experience, their study programme is built around their EHCP and their individual aspirations for adulthood.
Sixth Form vision
“To equip and prepare all our young people for adult life so that they can lead full and productive lives as members of their own community”
We will achieve this by:
- Providing a stimulating learning environment, where all young people can access a range of exciting activities, designed to educate, stimulate and challenge.
- Creating an ethos in which everyone is valued and respected and where young people are motivated, supported and encouraged to strive for success.
- Providing the highest quality of teaching and learning, through a skilled and appropriately trained and dedicated colleague team.
- All young people will access a range of accredited courses which will increase learning opportunities and raise achievements.
- Providing exceptional care, support and guidance for all our young people through a caring and nurturing community resulting in their excellent behaviour and high-quality personal development.
- Preparing our young people for adult life by taking part in independence and self-help skills programmes.
- Where appropriate, some young people will work towards gaining the skills necessary for further education or paid employment through a range of work-related experiences, activities.
- Working in partnership with young people, their families, professionals and local authorities, to prepare the leavers for life after Hope Wood.
Our young people identified Hope Wood Sixth Form as a place they come to learn, have fun, make friends and prepare to be adults.
Our recent challenge partner report identified “The position of the Sixth Form in Peterlee, allows for travel training and independence opportunities, as well as further work experience. Pupils travel independently or are supported between sites. They plan and develop enterprise activities incorporating functional mathematics and functional English. Pupils leave HWA well prepared for the next stage in their education, employment, and/or training”.
Pathway 1
Young people on Pathway 1 will complete a 3- year programme of study and will typically have the most complex learning, physical and medical needs requiring the highest levels of support. Young people work with a small group of highly skilled colleagues who understand their complex needs.
The timetable is designed to prepare of young people for adulthood by providing enhanced opportunities to develop skills in real life situations. They will follow an individual program of study linked to their EHCP, and towards an Entry Level qualification in Personal Progress. Preparation for adulthood outcomes is embedded through the curriculum: meeting new people and becoming familiar with the roles of those around us; promoting self-help and choice-making skills; being part of groups and accessing community facilities, and meeting health and emotional well-being needs.
Young people will access the community daily to develop social and communication skills in a wide range of settings. They will use bus passes to access the wider local area visiting places of interest across the North East.
Young people carry out their individual therapy programs daily in order to maintain physical skills, these programs are reviewed with the therapy team to ensure they are reflective of young persons needs. Specialist support is also available for young people requiring speech and language therapy, occupational therapy and physiotherapy, through referral.
Pathway 2
Young people on Pathway 2 route in 6th Form will complete a 3- year programme of study and will typically have severe learning difficulties (SLD) or complex autism.
The timetable is designed to prepare of young people for adulthood by providing enhanced opportunities to develop skills in real life situations. They will follow an individual program of study linked to their EHCP, and towards either an Entry Level 1 or Personal Progress qualification through NOCN.
Preparation for adulthood outcomes is embedded through the curriculum: meeting new people and becoming familiar with the roles of those around us; promoting self-help and choice-making skills; being part of groups and accessing community facilities, and meeting health and emotional well-being needs. Our young people are also active members within the community and help run a local community café where they can put into practice their independence and communication skills.
As part of accessing the community, young people will also visit different social care and educational providers to support with their transition when leaving 6th Form.
Specialist support is also available for young people requiring speech and language therapy, occupational therapy and physiotherapy, through referral.
The Qualifications Pathway 2 young people study include:
- Entry Level 1 and Personal Progress qualifications NOCN.
- Duke of Edinburgh Award
- In-house certificates
Pathway 3
Young people on Pathway 3 route in 6th Form will complete a 3- year programme of study and will typically work at Entry Level 1 and 2 with some complex learning and sensory needs.
This route prepares young people for adulthood by providing enhanced learning opportunities in and out of the classroom to develop skills for life. Young people work on individualised programs of study linked to their EHCP and aspirations for the future. All aspects of the curriculum reflect the Preparation for Adulthood outcomes: Employment, Independence, Community Inclusion and Good Health.
Young people work towards achieving a Diploma in Independent Living Skills and a Certificate in Employability Skills. Young people on this pathway gain experience and knowledge of the workplace through in-house employability tasks and will have encounters with employers both in 6th Form and on off-site visits.
All learning opportunities are functional, relating to real life scenarios that motivate young people, preparing them for life beyond Hope Wood, including designing their own menu and making meals daily.
Young people explore a wide range of possible pathways for the future through regular visits to educational and social care providers and visitors to the class.
Young people on this route are encouraged to be as independent as possible in relation to their work, behaviour and relationships, they take responsibility for their learning environment.
The Qualifications Pathway 3 young people study include:
- Award, Certificate and Diploma in Independent Living and Employability skills.
- Duke of Edinburgh Award
- NOCN Entry Level Maths and English
- In-house certificates
Pathway 4
Young people on the Pathway 4 route in 6th Form will complete a 3-year programme of study usually working towards qualifications at Entry Level 2, 3 or above, with the majority of young people having an autism diagnosis.
Young people work with a small group of colleagues who facilitate learning opportunities by using the local community, typically spending at least 50% of their week out of class applying their skills to ensure they are effectively prepared for adulthood.
This route prepares young people for adulthood by ensuring they have the skills to adapt to any situation they may come across. including those where they could be at risk.
Young people are independent in their work, communication, and social skills, some develop independence in travel training.
Young people are encouraged to work towards their aspirations, learning opportunities and work experiences are carved from this. Young people explore a wide range of post 19 routes, enjoying visits to businesses, engaging in workshops with employers and specialists within the LA.
Young people work towards qualifications in Independence, Employability, Maths and English giving them a broad and balanced experience before taking next steps.
Young people work on developing skills to maintain good mental health and emotional regulation.
The Qualifications Pathway 4 young people study include:
- Award, Certificate and Diploma in Independent Living and Employability skills.
- Duke of Edinburgh Award
- NOCN Entry Level Maths and English
- In-house certificates
Travel Training
All of our young people will spend a full day travel training as part of our curriculum offer here at Hope Wood Academy 6th form.
Young people work on personalised targets set through their Preparation for Adulthood plans which support them to develop the essential skills needed for adulthood in relation to travel training in the community.
Pathway 1&2
Travel training in this pathway will be focused on giving our young people the different experiences of travel training in the community. These different experiences using public buses, trains and ferries enables our young people to develop the skills to live a safe, healthy, valued and inclusive life into adulthood.
Pathway 3
Travel Training in this pathway will be focused on our young people exploring the local community and wider region using different modes of transport with the support of our specialist trained colleagues.
Young people will learn how to:
• Pay for their own fare.
• Safely embark/disembark on transport.
• Engage positively with the local community while travel training but also when visiting local shops.
• Explore future college or social care settings in preparation for Post 19.
Pathway 4
The majority of our Pathway 4 young people maybe ready to do some independent travel training in preparation travelling from home to 6th form and back or travelling from home to their future Post 19 education provider.
Travel Training gives our people the confidence and skills to travel independently on buses, trains and walking routes.
Being able to travel on public transport is a key life skill for our young people which supports them to make choices about how they want live, go about their daily life, fulfil their potential, and increases their chances of getting into employment.
During training they will cover:
• confidence in using buses or trains
• personal safety
• how to use timetables and buy tickets
• road safety, including how to cope with traffic on major roads
• what to do when things go wrong (e.g. the bus is late)
Work Related Learning
Employability and work experience is an opportunity to introduce young people to the world of work, and layer up the skills needed to help them get a job in the future.
Here at Hope Wood Academy 6th Form, we create our own opportunities for our young people to experience the world of work in different ways which match their future aspirations and needs.
We offer our young people experiences and knowledge of the workplace through in-house employability tasks including roles such as site inspector, teaching assistant, cleaner, chef, IT assistant and many more.
All our young people will participate in enterprise projects as part of the curriculum offer throughout the academic year. We recognise that enterprise supports our young people to learn and develop in a way that meets their needs/aspirations and develop skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work.
Here at Hope Wood Academy 6th Form we have established links with our local community where we have been able to sell our products in the local shopping centre in Peterlee throughout the year.
If any local businesses and local entrepreneurs would like to get involved with our future projects, then please email [email protected]
East Durham Trust Café
Since May 2023, our young people have been running a weekly café session every Thursday within the local community which has seen some fantastic engagement from our families and local residents.
Young people get to experience what its like to run a café, serve customers, and make hot drinks/snacks and develop their independence, communication and social skills.
Internal Work Experience
Listening to our young people’s aspirations for the future, we can also offer some inhouse internal work experience within Hope Wood Academy but also working with our other schools within the Academy trust.