Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

EYFS – The Foundation Hub




At Hope Wood Academy, we are committed to developing each child’s unique potential within a secure and caring environment. The principles and ethos of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) runs throughout our Foundation Hub. Our dedicated team are committed to developing the unique child, this is achieved by providing a personalised curriculum offer, which supports the holistic development of the child and is led by their individual needs & our topic-based approach. High quality engaging relationships ensure that our children feel secure, whilst the rich and varied learning environment allows them to discover the world around them, developing key skills, independence and the ability to be resilient in the face of difficulties in readiness/preparation for adult life.





Entering the Foundation Hub is a big step for our children. We work in partnership with families and a variety of early years settings to identify each child’s starting points, as they enter school taking into account prior learning from previous settings and home experiences. Partnership and collaboration are key to ensure each child has a successful transition into school and bespoke education. Building secure attachments enables children to begin their learning journey in the Foundation Hub from day one.



Whilst working on each child’s personalised EHCP targets, we complete a learning journal, used for assessment and recording that draws upon qualitative information from those adults that know the child well.

Within our Foundation Hub, we ensure that the child is central to the assessment process and provide a holistic picture of each child’s unique learning journey.


We follow the Early Years Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (DfES September 2021). This framework specifies the requirements for learning and development in the Early Years and includes the seven areas of learning;


Prime Areas – Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language and Physical Development


Specific Areas – Literacy, Numeracy, Understanding of the World and Expressive Arts and Design


Here you can see our long-term topic plan for the Foundation Hub







Purposeful play underpins the delivery of the curriculum, supported by a highly trained team in the EYFS pedagogy. Our enabling environments utilise continuous provision areas and activities, both indoors and outdoors. We offer the following areas and resources to create a stimulating environment for children to access: early English and Maths based activities, mark making & arts table, small world zone, reading area, sand and water exploration, sensory area, interactive whiteboard, fine motor skills table top experiences, including playdough, tweezers and threading, gross motor play within our large outdoor play area, for climbing, sliding, rolling, running crawling.




Our children work on their early developmental skills in communication and interaction, physical development and personal, social and emotional development whilst promoting independence as they become self-confident learners.


It is important that parents and carers are able to share in the learning of their child which is an essential part of their EHCP process. To support this, we use a learning journal approach, using Evidence for Learning, as a tool to collect observations during play and learning activities. We make professional judgements and hold discussions with adults who know the child well. Parents and carers can share photographs and videos via the Evidence for Learning Family App, showcasing their learning experiences in their home and community.






On leaving the Foundation Hub, children move into one of the four main pathways used throughout the rest of the school. We work collaboratively with our Primary Department and parents and carers to ensure a seamless and successful transition.


If you have any further questions or queries, please contact our Foundation Hub Lead – Sharon Casey on 0333 999 1454.