Curriculum Overview
Curriculum overview
Our curriculum has been designed to meet the needs of all young people within our Trust family. Leaders and subject specialists from across the trust have collaborated to ensure we have a curriculum that meets the needs of our young people within our trust. We regularly review and quality assure our curriculum offer and it’s impact through progress meeting, curriculum conversations, quality assurance days, local accountability board and external reviews such as our Challenge Partner review.
We will create learning environments where young people thrive, developing physically, academically, socially and emotionally. We will ignite curiosity, ambition, aspiration and aptitudes in our young people so they can play the fullest part possible within their communities.
We have developed a secure curriculum framework that is relevant to all students in our Trust, that reflects their SEND and builds knowledge, skills and understanding that is appropriately sequenced whilst retaining high expectations. We researched a number of different curriculum approaches and models to ensure we have developed the best possible curriculum for all of our young people.
Our curriculum begins with the child at its centre and the aims articulated within their EHCP. We devise individual learning plans with parents and where possible with our young people to ensure that we have clear understanding of what each young person can already do and understand and what targets are going to make the biggest difference in their lives.
Our curriculum follows a pathway model based around the needs of young people. Broadly speaking – 2% of children are within our EYFS pathway, 10% within Pathway 1, 30% within Pathway 2, 31% within Pathway 3, 21% within Pathway 4 and 6% with our Sixth Form Pathway.
Progress across the curriculum is assessed using a range of measures dependent on Pathway including young person’s EHCP outcomes, for Pathway 1 using Footsteps and Stepping out. For Pathway 2 using our internally developed Ascent Trust progression statements B1 & B2. For Pathway 3 using our internally developed Ascent Trust progression statements C1 & C2 and for Pathway 4 our internally developed Ascent Trust progression statements D1-G2. Young people in Key Stage 4 and Sixth Form will also be assessed against accredited outcomes from Entry Level 1 up to Level 1, with a small amount of Young people accessing Level 2.
We want all young people to be well prepared for life after Hope Wood. With appropriate independent advice and guidance young people may leave the academy after the end of year 11, a small proportion of young people will move into our Sixth Form provision. Individual options are discussed with young people and their families on a regular basis so they are well prepared and supported for next steps.
Traditionally young people who leave school in Pathway 1 will go onto social care settings in the local community. Young people who leave school in Pathway 2 may also go onto social care settings and some into college settings. Young people in Pathway 3 and Pathway 4 are likely to go onto college, further training and opportunities longer term for employment and/or volunteering.
Our curriculum is inclusive
Under the Equality Act 2010, we are required to have due regard to the need to advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations. This includes steps we are taking to tackle disadvantages and meet the needs of individuals and groups of pupils. We aim to foster good relations between those who share a protected characteristic and those who do not share it by:
- Promoting tolerance and friendship and to develop understanding of a range of religions and cultures through different aspects of our curriculum. This includes teaching in RE, citizenship and personal, social, health education (PSHE), but also activities in other curriculum areas. For example, as part of teaching and learning in English/reading, pupils will be introduced to literature from a range of cultures.
- Assemblies and specific programmes will be used to teach our young people about a range of relevant issues. The curriculum also includes programmes such as Eco Schools, Rights Respecting Schools Award and UN sustainability Goals.
- Curriculum resources will reflect diversity and ensure we are inclusive of all our young people and our colleagues.
- Working with our local community to ensure that our young people come in to contact with people from a range of cultural and faith backgrounds.
- Our values in terms of embracing difference, celebrating diversity and promoting equality are interpreted in each academy through the curriculum offer and awards such as the Rainbow Flag Award.
- Student voice is respected and encouraged and students are key in the development of our provision.
We have developed links with people and groups who have specialist knowledge about these characteristics, which helps inform and develop our approach.
Our curriculum supports the well-being of our young people
Our young people are at the heart of what we do, and their well-being and relationships are central to their readiness to learn. A young person who is anxious or dysregulated will not be able to focus on learning. Therefore, our curriculum ensures that there is a clear offer to support well-being, communication and relationships and therefore access to learning;
- Time to regulate
- Time spent in the outdoors and connecting with nature
- Time to sing, dance and express themselves
- Regular physical activity
- Supportive programmes and interventions
- Specialist support
- Close home/school communication
- Celebration of small achievements
- A strong PHSE curriculum
- Strong relationships between teachers, young people and support colleagues
Our curriculum is designed to build knowledge, skills and understanding in a developmental framework. In addition, they will access a range of broad, rich experiences that ensures that our young people are meaningfully challenged to build up schema that will enable them to begin to think and learn within subject specific content in Pathway 4.
Our curriculum reflects continuity and coherence
This refers to the logical, sequential order of learning and how aspects of the curriculum interconnect and are revisited and expanded upon overtime. We begin with our learner and their assessed starting points, a stage not age approach ensuring:
- The curriculum is personalised, and every student’s learning is grounded within their planned EHCP provision and curriculum need. Each child needs something different, not differentiated.
- All parts of the curriculum must be logically consistent with each other.
- There must be a “match” or a fit in the curriculum pathways and teachers recognise that children may be in different pathways for different aspects of learning.
- Learning experiences should be sequenced so that learners build on previous experiences and move to deeper or more complex understandings and applications over time.
- The curriculum content allows for previous learning experiences to be revisited regularly and consistently to embed knowledge, skills and understanding.
- Curriculum content and organisation changes and grows overtime as each student builds knowledge, skills and understanding. It is important to identify the themes and skills that need to run through planned learning activity and to map how they will be addressed at each level overtime.
- The curriculum should be planned developmentally within our structured pathway documents. There will be wider continual opportunities for developing a range of skills, knowledge, attributes and understanding across the curriculum such as literacy and communication skills, independence, well-being and building self-esteem.
Our curriculum has scope and application
Scope – The range or extent of “content” (whether information to be learned, skills to be acquired etc.) that will be included in a programme of study or scheme of work.
- Our curriculum begins with the early foundations of learning and builds overtime to include access to wider aspects of learning, through to subject specific learning in Pathway 4.
- The content must be sufficient to lead each learner to achieve their learning outcomes within each pathway. However, there is a constant tension between breadth and depth when considering scope. In general, when deep learning is required, “lean” is best. We adopt the belief that in-depth study of a limited number of important content will have a lasting effect. Alongside the areas for learning we will ensure that all our young people have access to a broad range of rich experiences that begin to build knowledge and understanding that leads towards subject based learning in Pathway 4.
- There are planned opportunities to build a wealth of knowledge through wide and varied contexts for learning that build experiences for example using expressive arts to teach aspects of movement and communication or visits to a range of places and communities to develop a sense of place.
Application and Integration – refers to the relationship among major curriculum components at any given point in time and how they are applied in a range of contexts.
- Curriculum integration should reinforce and widen key concepts, knowledge and understanding over time.
- All learning in pathways 1 to 3 will be holistic in terms that we cannot teach cognition without communication, we cannot develop motor skills without regard to personal health and social education.
- Young people need to have repeated experiences in a range of contexts to develop understanding. We support a range of schema through continuous play, topic-based learning and problem solving.
Our curriculum is a process and outcomes-based curriculum
We are clear about what we want pupils to be able to demonstrate on completion of each pathway. Entry and exit points for each stage of the curriculum are made clear in long term planning indicating a clear body of knowledge, skills and understanding to be achieved with clear progression points.
- We design pathway content and exit points to focus on key outcomes, with multiple indicators (including key objectives) or assessments of performance. We use a range of authentic assessments that will encourage originality, insightfulness, and problem-solving, along with mastery of important information and concepts.
- However, we recognise that many of our young people may be working within a pathway for the whole of their education. We recognise the need to measure small steps of achievement within the pathway through appropriate assessment and record keeping tools. We value experiential learning and the lateral progress that many of our young people demonstrate.
- Active learning –We have designed learning to encourage active involvement, so students are “doing” early in their learning. We should consider working from concrete to pictorial to abstract (CPA) as the student develops their understanding. Multi-sensory approaches ensure that students in earlier pathways secure learning through a range of sensory routes. Repetition is also important in ensuring that young people embed new skills.
Our curriculum has impact
We collect trust wide annual data to monitor the effectiveness of our curriculum. This data is used to look at achievement in core subject areas and NC core subject areas in Pathway 4 and how cohorts are performing within them. Questions such as;
Are students making as much progress in reading as they are in writing?
Are the strategies effective?
Is this the same across all pathways?
Where are students making the strongest progress? Why?
Questions like this help us to evaluate the effectiveness of the curriculum, the programmes we use to support learning and the strategies that teachers use.
We also use the data to bench-mark across our academies. This also helps us to ask questions such as;
Why are pathway 2 students in academy x outperforming Pathway 2 students in academy y?
It might prompt a learning walk or a meeting for subject leaders to investigate reasons. We might query moderation practices for instance.
This helps us to ensure that we are constantly looking to improve and build on curriculum successes and identify any problems early on.
We have a target setting rationale in Ascent that looks at a probable trajectory for pupils in each pathway from their starting points. This provides us with a feel for pupil progress across a year and
can be used to evaluate individual’s progress alongside wider evidence and contextual information. We so not set targets for groups or classes as our curriculum is very individualised.
Academic | Personal, Social, Independence, Health and Well-being |
Wider attributes, dispositions and attitudes and collective experiences |
EYFS | Progress against learning goals and against targets in EHCP (skillsmap) | Progress against learning goals and against targets in EHCP Key skills record keeping | |
Pathway 1 | Progress against learning goals and against targets in EHCP Footsteps assessment and record keeping Stepping Out | Footsteps assessment and record keeping Stepping Out | |
Pathway 2 | Progress against learning goals and against targets in EHCP Ascent data collection strand B Assessment measures in communication and cognition | Key skills record keeping | |
Pathway 3 | Progress against learning goals and against targets in EHCP Ascent data collection strand C Examination or accreditation Assessment measures in phonics, literacy and early maths | Key skills record keeping | |
Pathway 4 | Progress against learning goals and against targets in EHCP Ascent data collection strand D onwards Examinations or accreditation Subject based assessment outcomes | Key life skills record keeping | |
6th Form | Progress against learning goals and against targets in EHCP Accreditation-subject based | Destinations data Accreditation vocational or independence based |