Developing our team


Developing our team

In order to provide our young people with the best possible experiences we continually seek to provide development opportunities for all colleagues.

‘Growing great people’ is our professional growth policy. It puts establishing, improving and maintaining the very highest standards in our daily work at its very heart.

 The challenge to us all is to always improve, to always get better; to continually grow as great people. This is expressed in our Trust core values, which are:

  • We have high expectations of ourselves and our pupils and celebrate our achievements
  • We embrace difference, celebrate diversity and promote equality
  • We continually learn in order that we can respond to the needs of our young people and we continually improve through sharing and creating best practice models
  • We build impactful collaborations in our staff team across the Trust, with parents and with wider partnerships
  • We respect each person’s distinctive contribution and develop their talents and work productively together

All Trust colleagues see themselves as learners; they are empowered to make decisions, be creative, to lead and to grow. The quality of our daily work throughout our Trust is of paramount importance and, therefore, we view our colleagues as our Trust’s greatest asset.

Our professional growth processes exist to ensure that all Trust colleagues are able to be the very best they can be, leading to improved organisational performance as seen in improved outcomes for our students.

Growing great people has been designed to challenge thinking, promote deep reflection, collaboration and to bring about a commitment to manageable change for the better.

We are proud to work with a range of organisations and specialists within the SEND sector.

Please click on the images below to find out more about some of the tools we use to support our team to develop.