PE Sport Funding
Sports Premium Plan 2023-2024
Sports Premium Plan 2022-2023
Sports Premium Plan 2021-2022
Sports Premium Plan 2020-2021
Sports Premium-ATA-19-20 PLAN
SPFG spend 2018-19
SPFG spend 2018-19
Sports Premium – ATA – 17-18 PLAN
Sports Premium – ATA – 16-17 ACTUAL
Sports Premium – ATA – 15-16 ACTUAL
MOVE programme
MOVE – MOVE is an activity based programme which uses the combined knowledge of education, therapy and family to teach children with physical disabilities and/or complex needs the skills of sitting, standing, walking and transferring. Over the last term our children have been working particularly hard on their sitting and standing skills. The skills they are developing enable them to improve both their communication and cognition skills as well.
I am working on my sitting skills and holding my head up so that I can see all around.
I am working on my walking skills. I love to take messages to familiar people around the school.
When I am sat in a class chair I am able to lift up my head to communicate with the person in front of me but also see all around what is going on.
Sensory- A number of children within Ash Trees Academy are following sensory programmes within school. These programmes have been developed with the support of Occupational Therapists who have provided support and training for staff and in some cases sensory assessments for the children. Sensory Processing Difficulties can affect a child’s ability to fully engage in may aspects of school, community and family life. Providing opportunities within school for the children to develop the skills to help them engage fully in the world around them is essential for learning, health and wellbeing.
Number of Y6 Pupils | |
How many pupils within your year 6 cohort can swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres.
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How many pupils within your year 6 cohort can use a range of strokes effectively?
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How many pupils within your year 6 cohort can perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations?
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Pupil Premium
Ash-Trees PPG Strategic Plan 22-23
Ash-Trees-PPG-18-19 end of year review
Ash Trees PPG 18-19 Interim Review with Spending Adjustment
Ash Trees PPG 18-19 PLAN
Ash-Trees PPG-17-18 Review of Spending
National Tutoring Programme
The National Tutoring Programme (NTP) is a government-funded initiative that aims to make high-quality tutoring available to schools, at a heavily subsidised rate, to help disadvantaged pupils whose education has been affected by school closures.
The document below highlights the plan for expenditure within Ash Trees Academy.
Tutoring Grant 2021-2022