At Ash Trees Academy, we believe that our children are entitled to a language rich English curriculum, where they appreciate the power of the visual, spoken and written word. All aspects of English will be delivered in a secure, supportive and stimulating environment where the progress and needs of each individual pupil are paramount.
At Ash Trees Academy, we use a ‘total communication’ approach. We use a variety of communication strategies to enable our pupils understand and communicate effectively:
O.O.R – (objects of reference) objects that can be used to represent an activity person or place. These objects stand for something in the same way that words do.
Symbols – Within the academy we use symbols to varying levels of needs and interests. These might be picture cards or symbols used from our school system called Widget. These might be via individual systems, PECs books (Picture Exchange Communication System), communication books or through communication devices such as AAC tablets
Makaton – Makaton is a language programme that we use across school that uses sign language, speech and symbols collaboratively.
Specialist Strategies – Where appropriate we use specialist strategies as directed by Speech and Language therapists such as Eye Gaze, and Braille.
In English, we aim to enable all of our pupils to be effective communicators at their own individual level. In order to do this, our curriculum is divided into the following categories; Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing. It is important that opportunities are given to experience all of these concepts in a wide range of contexts that are exciting and engaging at every level.
Learning Pathways
Our pupils are divided into curriculum routes, based on ability and attainment. We have 3 clear curriculum routes, these are;
Pathway 1 – Pathway 1 is our informal sensory curriculum, where pupils follow a highly differentiated curriculum, based around their individual EHCP outcomes, linking into the Footsteps and Stepping Out Assessment Frameworks. Within this pathway our English curriculum focuses on the children developing their own individual communication style, prioritising social-communication and exploration as a focus for all sessions. These strategies work alongside highly trained staff who adopt techniques such as, high processing time, staff modelling and a total communication approach. The total communication approach offers opportunity for our students to receive information and also express their needs or wants successfully within their own immediate environment.
Our lessons and activities are varied within Pathway 1, incorporating sensory stories, TACPAC, massage, switch adapted equipment and continuous provision areas within the classroom.
Pathway 2 – Our Pre-Formal Curriculum
Using preferred communication methods, pupils will focus on developing the skills of:-
Communication – within Pathway 2 our aim is to support pupils to establish pupils’ preferred communication approach so that they can be understood by others and be able to express themselves safely and effectively to the best of their abilities. Pupils are given the opportunities to develop:
- Social Communication: conversations, greetings and social conventions
- Expressive Communication: communication, choices, storytelling and narratives
- Receptive Communication: following instructions, making requests, listening and responding
We aim to develop key communication skills such as gaining attention, concentration skills, requesting, rejection and seeking help. Targets are sought from the Ascent English Speaking and Listening Curriculum, EHCP targets and through specific Speech and Language Interventions.
Lessons to promote our students functional intentional communication include activities such as, food preparation, instructional tasks, equipment/resource checklists and social skills.
Readiness for writing
- Mark making, tracing, overwriting, letter formation and labelling
Readiness for reading
- Identifying and responding to environmental sounds
- Segmenting and blending developing early reading & writing skills
Within this stage pupils will be exposed to a range of stories, simple information texts and rhymes, where they will listen, sequence and retell key aspects.
Pathway 3 – Our Semi-Formal Curriculum
Pathway 4 – Our Adapted Formal Curriculum
Pupils operating within Pathway 4 are following our adapted formal curriculum. These pupils are operating within subject specific learning and are working at or close to National Curriculum Year 1.
Daily English based lessons focus on developing the ability to:-
Communicate wants, needs and views via preferred communication approach. Hold reciprocal conversations and participate in debates, giving opinions.
Moving towards reading fluently, with understanding across a range of genres
Write in a variety of genres including: narrative, non-chronological report, explanation text, persuasive writing, recount, instructions, using the conventions of the specific text feature.
At Pathway 4, we introduce the concept of punctuation and model how and why this is used.
Fostering a Love of reading
We view reading as an integral part of communication. At Ash Trees, we offer all pupils the opportunity to learn and develop the essential skills required to begin to understand that letters and sounds carry meaning and work with learners who are at a pre-phonic level. This entails tuning into sounds, listening to sounds in the environment, making sounds in a variety of ways and recognising how sounds are used. As our learners progress they commence a synthetic phonics programme in order to learn to read. At Ash Trees Academy we use Read, Write Inc- a fully validated synthetic phonics system, which teaches pupils to read. Regardless of a child’s current development within reading, we aim to provide them with the skills and knowledge that they need so that they can communicate as independently as possible.
We aim to foster a love of reading and an enjoyment of listening to stories, sharing texts and experiencing the joy that books can bring in all of their forms. All classes have designed story time each day, this can be in the form of singing rhymes, sharing story sacks and interactive texts through to reading whole class shared texts.
All pupils have a reading record and will bring home reading books to share with family members on a weekly basis; these may include levelled reading books and books chosen for pleasure or interest.
We have libraries on both school sites; libraries are well-resourced. In addition, all classes have reading areas. Classes are encouraged to visit the library weekly. Each month the library bus visits for an interactive story time and opportunities to select reading materials.